706 Members: We urge you to take immediate action and email or call your Representative to vote "YES" on the PRO Act.
The PRO Act is a top priority for the IATSE to help us build an economy that works for all working families.

See message from IASTE Political/Legislative Director Tyler Macintosh below...

This Thursday, February 6, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, H.R. 2474

The PRO Act will restore fairness to the economy by strengthening the federal laws that give working people a voice on the job so they can negotiate for higher wages, better benefits, a more secure retirement and a safer workplace.

Yesterday, International President Matthew D. Loeb sent a letter urging support of the PRO Act to all members of the House. I invite you to read the letter and share it with your Local members:https://www.iatse.net/news/iatse-urges-congress-support-protecting-right-organize-act.

This legislation will penalize employers who violate workers’ right to organize, help workers secure a first contract, protect workers who go on strike, and close loopholes that allow companies to misclassify workers as independent contractors.

I ask you to please follow this link (https://actionnetwork.org/forms/call-your-representative-co-sponsor-the-pro-act?source=aflcio) and tell your Representative to pass the PRO Act. Once completing the brief form, you will receive a call from the AFL-CIO connecting you to the office of your Member of Congress. It takes just a few minutes – every constituent call is logged and your voice makes a difference in how they will ultimately vote. 

Sample Script

Hello, my name is [ name ] and I am a constituent living in [ your city / town ]. I’m also a proud union member of IATSE Local [ number ] and I’d like to ask Representative [ name ] to vote "YES" on the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, H.R. 2474 when it comes up for a vote on Thursday. This bill will strengthen the federal laws that give working people like me a voice on the job so we can negotiate for higher wages, better benefits, a more secure retirement and a safer workplace. Would you please pass this ask along to your boss? Thank you, I appreciate your time and service of our District.

In Solidarity,

Tyler Macintosh
IATSE Political/Legislative Director

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Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild Local 706.
All rights reserved
