Bonnie Deal
Theme Park Hair Stylist
1952 - 2022

Bonnie Sue Deal was born November 26, 1952 and passed on April 12; her husband Kirk passed in 2017.  Bonnie was a strong minded, deeply spiritual woman, a descendent of a freed African American slave, with Cambodian, Cherokee, Creole, Norwegian and Swedish ancestors, who will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her. She is survived by her siblings Glenna & Byron, children Angela, Emily & Christina, and 10 grandchildren.  Bonnie was raised in Anaheim – within view of the Disneyland fireworks (which started her dream), and as a child it was clear she was destined for a career in beauty (her family give their apologies to all the kids who got her hand-me-down dolls with "artistic hair re-designs." It is a ‘learned craft’ after all…).  From early childhood, Bonnie embraced her love of God, becoming a Eucharistic Minister at Saint Justin Martyr.  Bonnie was a gifted hairstylist, kept up a full schedule at the beauty shop while working nights at Disneyland, and is one of our "original 29" Cosmetologists that come into membership here at IATSE Local 706 in July, 2005. Bonnie served as a Steward for nearly two decades during her 25-year career at Disneyland, and sat next to Tommy Cole, Randy Sayer and Steward Kathleen Brown-Zablan during contract negotiations in 2006, 2009 and 2014.  Kathleen recalls, "She was so upbeat, smiling and friendly; she always helped her fellow Cast Members, coworkers, performers, everyone. We all loved her…"   I agree; we sure did.        



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Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild Local 706.
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