Make-up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild Awards


The Make Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild Awards are governed by the Guild’s President, Business Representative and Secretary Treasurer.

The President will yearly appoint a chairperson of the Rules & Regulations Committee and a Chairperson of the Lifetime Achievement and Distinguished Artisan Awards Committee.


An Award will be given to one Local 706 make-up artist and one hair stylist, for contributions, accomplishments, and recognition for their distinguished body of work.

Nominees for Lifetime Achievements must be living, Active Retired Members, or Retired Members on Honorable Withdrawal, or Members on Honorable Withdrawal of Makeup Artists and Hairstylist Local 706.

An appointed Guild Awards Lifetime Achievement & Distinguished Artisan Awards Committee, approved by the Local 706 Executive Board, will make recommendations of nominees. The Local 706 Active, or Active Retired Members , will vote online for the most qualified Lifetime Award Winners.    Tuesday October 25, 2021 voting begins for Lifetime Achievement Awards online AT members.local706.org.   You must be an Active  or Active Retiree member to vote.  Voting closes November 5, 2021.


Subject to the specific requirements of any given award category, make-up shall be defined as any change in the appearance of a performer’s face or body created by the application of cosmetics, facial hair goods, and/or prosthetic appliances applied directly to the performer’s face or body. Prosthetics are any three-dimensional appliances, including transfers, that have been prepared in advance from a mold and applied to the actors to change his/her appearance and to give character to the make-up.  It could be as small as a scar or wound, or as large as full facial pieces, and/or body parts, or bald caps.   Make-up is NOT changes caused by special lighting, camera lenses, optical effects or computer imaging.  It is not puppets or any device that is not on the performer’s face or body.

Subject to the specific requirements of any given award category, hair styling shall be defined as any change in the appearance of a performer’s hair by the act of hair styling, for example designing, cutting, coloring, arranging the performer’s hair, as well as the designing, preparation and application of wigs or hairpieces to create a character.  It is not changes caused by special lighting, camera lenses, optical effects or computer imaging.  It is not for hair styling on puppets, dummies, or any device that is not on the performer’s hair or head.


  1. Be involved in the daily hands-on application and supervision of the make-up and/or hair styling achievement.


  1. Be involved in the physical three-dimensional creation of the achievement under consideration and/or actively and physically participate in the hands-on make-up, and/or hair styling application during make-up and/or hair styling tests, which results are approved by the respective Makeup or Hairstyling Department Head.



Due to the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus/COVID-19, the rules for eligibility for Feature Length Motion Picture is subject to change based on national guidelines, state-mandated government orders, Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, and Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Guild Awards-determined best practices. As with the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, the period for released Motion Pictures are starting March 1, 2021, to pick up where we left off in 2021, through December 31 2021.      When theaters reopen in accordance with federal, state and local specified guidelines and criteria, and on a date to be determined by the Guild Awards, this rule exemption will no longer apply.


Motion Pictures that had a previously planned theatrical release, but are initially made available through commercial streaming, VOD service or other broadcast methods may qualify for awards consideration.    Producers or Awards Office must sign and acknowledge on the Proof of Participation.  

To qualify for a Motion Picture that was NOT shown in a commercial motion picture theater without a (7) seven day run, the Producer or Awards Office making the submission, will need to verify either:

(1) The Motion Picture qualifying was released in non-theatrical media on or after the first day of_ the Los Angeles County Theatrical run; running concurrently- the Theatrical run and streaming.


(2)   The intended theatrical release date the Motion Picture was previously planned for, but instead made available through commercial streaming, VOD service, or other Broadcast methods.

A separate Entry Form must be completed for each Category you wish to enter.

Entries may be submitted by Department Heads, Personal Artists, Studios, Awards Offices and/or Productions.  Please coordinate so there are NOT multiple submissions for the SAME production category.  Eligible Entrants are the Make-Up Artists or Hair Stylist(s)  most responsible for the overall look of the achievements being recognized.  A maximum of two statues may be given per Award Category.  In special instances, the Guild Awards Rules & Regulations Committee MAY be petitioned thru application process to consider UP TO TWO additional nominees per category.  By definition the Petitioned applicant must be that additional party (Make-Up Artist or Hair Stylist) who was also considered the most responsible contributing party for the look of the entry.  

The petition MUST be included at the time of submission.   It will NOT be accepted if submitted late.

The Department Head also will have the option to opt out as an applicant if it is determined that another artist or artists is more responsible for what is being recognized.

The 150 word or less description of techniques used to create the look(s) for the award submission is required.  This is to inform the voting peer group of the processes you employed as the Department Head or Personal Artists.  Describe your work and not the products. Many people may vote based on your descriptions, so please write a creative description where you describe the TECHNIQUES USED.Please include how your 2nd applicant contributed to the look of the entry in this 150 word description.  If a third (3rd) or fourth (4th) applicant is to be entered through Petition, a 50 word or less statement of why this person(s) should be included in the entry will be required in the Petition area.  This information must also be descriptive &  creative.  This description cannot be submitted late.  

Department Head Make-up Artists, Department Head Hair Stylists or Personal Artists of winning categories may select up to five additional outstanding contributors to receive Award Certificates for "Recognition for Outstanding Contribution", after completion of the show.

A Television Production will be recognized for the ENTIRE season.   However, if there was a change of Department Head Make-up Artist or Department Head Hair Stylist or Personal Artists, the name of the individual episode(s) may be submitted.

After submission, you must provide signed proof of working on the production (Proof of Participation) in a specific work classification from the producing company.  No Nomination will be considered without this signed proof.  By checking "I am Authorized" in the application you are agreeing to provide this proof.

If your submission is nominated, a three (3) to a five (5) minute video clip showcasing the techniques used must be provided.  This will be available for all voting members to review at the time of final voting.

Theatrical Productions: MUST BE WORK DONE IN California

*Due to the pandemic and shortened theatrical season of 2021, a detailed description, no more       than 500 words, of the work performed along with any photos, press or other media available will      be accepted.  The Theatrical Supervisor will be responsible for submitting all proper verification to the Rules and Regulation Committee.

Commercials: the entire commercial may be submitted.

A Category must have a minimum of three (3) submissions to qualify.


1)     Voting on all categories will be done by Active &Active Retiree Local 706 Members of Local 706, I.A.T.S.E. in good standing.

2)     The established statue trophy licensed by the Guild shall be awarded for all categories.

3)     Voting for nominations and awards shall be by secured member login thru the Local 706 website local706.org with online balloting.

4)     A Television Production will be recognized for the entire season.  However, if there was a change of   Department Head, Makeup Artist or Hair Stylist, the name of the individual episode(s) may be submitted. 

5.)     A Maximum of 2 statues may be given per Award Category.  Eligible entrants are the make-up artist  or hairstylist most responsible for the overall look of the achievements being recognized.    In special instances, the Guild’s Awards Rules & Regulations Committee may be petitioned ONLY thru the application processto consider up to TWO additional nominees per category. By definition the Petitioned applicant should be that additional party (makeup artist or hair stylist) who was also considered the most responsible contributing party for the look of the entry.  The Petition will include an area for 50 words or less WHY this person or persons should be included in the entry.  The petition MUST be included at the time of submission.  Department Heads of winning categories may select up to five additional outstanding contributors to receive Award Certificates for "Recognition for Outstanding Contribution".  The Department Head also will have the option to opt out as an applicant if it is determined another artist or artists are more responsible for what is being recognized.

6.)    Ineligible entries will be disqualified at any stage of the competition when grounds for such disqualification come to the Guild Awards Rules & Regulations Committee’s attention.  The Guild Awards Rules & Regulations Committee reserves the right to determine the eligibility of all entries, persons and nominations and to reject any entries for any reason, including, but not limited to, inability to verify information or failure to satisfy the applicable rules.   The Guild Awards Rules & Regulations Committee retains the right to determine the accuracy of the information contained in the entries.

7.)     In the event of a tie for first place in the balloting, awards shall be given for both achievements.

8.)     Eligibility for a Guild Award shall be limited to entries which have met the following requirements (where applicable) and have completed the application in full which will include:

a. Full and complete credits authenticated by their ending screen credits, or producer production company verification or a studio Awards Department. In any and all disputes, final determination shall be made by the Guild Awards Rules & Regulations’ Committee. Intentional falsification of credits will result in disqualification of the entire entry.

b. For theatrical productions, the name of the theater, for television productions the network where the entry has played or aired.  All must include the dates of the run, airing or the performance.

c. Statement of 150 words or less by the entrant of the techniques used to achieve the make-up or hair styling application. This is to inform the voting peer group of the processes you employed as the Department Head. This detailed description should speak to techniques and also how your 2ndassisted you in the production of the looks. Your peers are considering your description, so speak to the techniques, not the product lines or relationships. Voters may very well be influenced by your 150-word submission. The Petition for one or two additional nominee(s) will include an area for 50 words or less WHY THIS PERSON or persons should be included in the entry.
 *Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Theatrical Submissions must include a description of no more than 500 words of the work performed (as per the Entry Form Guidelines).

d. A disclaimer must be revealed if any portion of a submission does not conform to the category in which it is submitted and this disclaimer must be clearly disclosed in the first portion of the 150 words or less description.  For example, if an artist has a prosthetic applied in conjunction with a non- prosthetic Period and/or Character Category, he or she must submit a disclaimer to the fact, discounting the prosthetic aspect of the make-up when voting in this category.

e. When a submission is entered by a Studio, Awards Office, or production, measures must be taken by the person(s) making the submission to CONTACT the Department Heads or Personal Artists to insure the proper individuals are included representing the project and the proper category has been chosen. Also the submitter must verify and submit the correct email address and spelling of names for the entrants.  All descriptions used MUST be provided by the Department Head or Personal Artist of the submission at time of original submission- no late descriptions will be accepted.

f. A category MUST have a minimum of three (3) submissions, or the category is suspended for that year and will return the following year.

g. When completing the Entry Submission form, if the Department Head determines that another Artist or Artists are more responsible for what is being recognized, the Department Head may opt out as an entrant.

9.)     For final nominees, a submission of a minimum of three (3) minutes to a maximum five (5) minute clip in the format as prescribed will be required:  Upload instructions for clips will be available online at the Local 706 website.  Anything over 5 minutes will be edited for viewing. No additional scoring or music allowed.  Make no reference to the individuals, facilities, or production companies associated with the work for submission.

For Theatrical nominees; videos, clips, or photo stills of submitted production may be included. No additional scoring or music allowed.    WORK PERFORMED IN California ONLY.

10.)     All Official Guild Entry Forms must be received by the Guild Awards Rules & Regulations Committee, via the website submission process, by 5:00PM PST, Monday, December 6, 2021. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!! 

11.)     All entries must be completed online and must contain adequate evidence of authorization to use any names, likenesses, clips/excerpts/photographs associated with the entry and any other intellectual property necessary for evaluation of the entry, consideration of a nomination or otherwise in connection with the nomination and award-granting process. Official submission forms may be accessed through the website at www.local706.org.

12.)     Award winners agree, by accepting the statue, that they may not sell, lease, license, reproduce or otherwise transfer the statue to any other person or entity for any purpose, including any commercial purpose.   A statue recipient shall be allowed, upon that recipient’s death, to pass the statue on only to their lawful heir (s). Statue recipients are prohibited from making any modifications, alterations or other physical changes of any kind to the statue, including the removal of any plate or plaque identifying the awards recipient. Once a statue recipient’s lawful heir(s) has/have died, the statue must be returned to the Guild.

13.)     All persons or entities seeking to qualify an entry, all nominees and award winners and any production company, network or other production-related entity associated with any of the foregoing acknowledge, by virtue of their participation in the entry qualification, nomination and award process, that they have read and taken such steps as they deem appropriate to familiarize themselves with the Guild’s guidelines for the use of the Guild’s trademarks, service marks and copyrights and hereby agree to recognize and abide by all restrictions on the use of the Guild’s intellectual property and, further, agree to take appropriate steps to assure that they  safeguard and honor any limitations,  prohibitions and restrictions on the use of the Awards statue and the Guild’s intellectual property, including, but not limited to, any and all guidelines for use of the trademarks, service marks and copyrights   promulgated by the Guild, the Guild Awards Rules & Regulations Committee or any licensee(s) (within the scope of their license(s)),  whether now in existence or promulgated hereafter.


Monday, November 8 , 2021 submissions for consideration are opened to Make-up Artists & Hair Stylists of the film, television, theatrical and commercial production communities. Entries may be submitted by Department Heads, Personal Artists, Studios, Awards Offices and/or productions. Entries must be done online at  members.local706.org/awards/voting  and submitted no later than 5:00PM PST, Monday, December 6th, 2021.  NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!!


  1. The ballot to determine the first eligible five (5) nominations will be available for voting on the Local 706 website by Monday, December 20, 2021.  All Ballots are voted upon by Local 706 Active & Active Retiree membership only.
  2. Voting for nominations closes January 7, 2022   5:00 PST 
  3. Nominations will be announced Tuesday, January 11, 2022.  THE FINAL BALLOT 
  1. The final ballot will include a list of the nominated productions in each category. The final ballot will be available for voting through the Guild’s websitelocal706.org, with member log in available to all Active & Active Retiree members, in good standing of Local 706 l.A.T.S.E. starting on Monday December 20, 2021 and must be completed no later than January 7, 2022 at 5:00 PM PST. Online voting only – NO PAPER BALLOTS will be offered or accepted.
  2. Online tallying will be done in real time and available for a certified audit trail by Simply Voting.    Winners will be announced at the Award Show on Saturday, February 19, 2022.


FEATURE LENGTH MOTION PICTURE – To qualify, entry must have over seventy (70) minutes running time, be first publicly shown in a commercial motion picture theater, and have a seven (7) consecutive day run in Los Angeles, starting after March 1, 2021 thru December 31,2021.

Due to the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus/COVID-19, the rules for eligibility for Feature Length Motion Picture is subject to change based on national guidelines, state-mandated government orders and Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Guild Awards-determined best practices.  As with the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, the period for released Feature Length Motion Pictures is extended from December 31, 2020 through February 28,2021      When theaters reopen in accordance with federal, state and local specified guidelines and criteria, and on a date to be determined by the Guild Awards, this rule exemption will no longer apply.


Motion Pictures that had a previously planned theatrical release, but are initially made available through commercial streaming, VOD service or other broadcast method may qualify for awards consideration. Producer/ Awards office must sign and verify.

BREAKDOWN OF AWARDS:   A Maximum of 2 statues may be given per Category with up to two petitions.

Make-up – 3 Categories May be Entered-

  • Best Contemporary Make-up – Outstanding Make-up designed to represent years after 2000 to present day with continuity of application throughout the entry.  NOT FUTURE or FANTASY.
  • Best Period and/or Character Make-up – Outstanding Period Make-up designed to represent years 1999 and prior.Character Make-up of any period, including Fantasy and Futuristic makeup artistry, that changes the identity or appearance of an actor with NO use of prosthetics and continuity of application throughout the entry.
  • Best Special Make-up Effects – Outstanding Make-up including the application of prosthetics to the performers face and or body, with continuity of application throughout the entry.  No mechanical, computer generated effects, or puppeteering will be considered.

Hair Styling– 2 Categories May be Entered

  • Best Contemporary Hair Styling – Outstanding Hair Styling designed to represent years after 2000 to present day with continuity of application throughout the entry.
  • Best Period and/or Character Hair Styling – Outstanding Period Hair styling designed to represent years 1999 and prior.Character Hairstyling of any period, including Fantasy and Futuristic hair styling, that changes the identity or appearance of an actor with or without the use of wigs, with continuity of application throughout the entry.


TELEVISION SERIES, TELEVISION LIMITED OR MINI SERIES, OR TELEVISION NEW MEDIA SERIES (streaming) – All series must be shown on Network Cable Television or a streaming provider (ie: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon etc.) that is available in Los Angeles prior to Midnight December 31, 2021.  To qualify as a Mini-Series, the complete program must have a minimum of two parts, with a minimum running time for all segments combined of four (4) hours.  The production must have a beginning, middle, and an end with a finite number of episodes, generally between two (2) and twelve (12).  The story is resolved at the end of the broadcast.

BREAKDOWN OF AWARDS:   A Maximum of 2 statues may be given per Category with up to two petitions.

Make-up – 3 Categories May be Entered-

  • Best Contemporary Make-up –   Outstanding Make-up designed to represent years after 2000 to present day with continuity of application throughout the entry.
  • Best Period and/or Character Make-up – Outstanding Period Make-up designed to represent years 1999 and prior.Character Make-up of any period, including Fantasy and Futuristic makeup artistry,  that changes the identity or appearance of an actor with NO use of prosthetics and continuity of application throughout the entry.
  • Best Special Make-up Effects – Outstanding Make-up including the application of prosthetics to the performers face and or body, with continuity of application throughout the entry.  No mechanical, computer generated effects, or puppeteering will be considered.

Hair Styling – 2 Categories May be Entered

  • Best Contemporary Hair Styling – Outstanding Hair styling designed to represent years after 2000 to present day with continuity of application throughout the entry.
  • Best Period and/or Character Hair Styling – Outstanding Period Hair styling designed to represent years 1999 and prior.Character Hairstyling of any period, including Fantasy and Futuristic hairstyling, that changes the identity or appearance of an actor with or without the use of wigs, with continuity of application throughout the entry.


TELEVISION SPECIAL, ONE HOUR OR MORE LIVE PROGRAMS SERIES, OR MOVIE FOR TELEVISION – To qualify as a Special, the program should be a "stand-alone" production.  To qualify as a One Hour or More Live Program Series, the program should be shot in front of a live audience, or due to the Pandemic, shown in a Live Audience format.   To qualify as a Movie for Television, the program should fit the minimum format length of two (2) televised half-hour time slots and not be part of a series, or is broadcast in one part as a "stand-alone".   Specials, One Hour or More Live Television Program Series, or Motion Pictures Made for Television must first be shown on Network Cable Television or a streaming provider (ie: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.) that is available in Los Angeles prior to midnight, December 31, 2021.

Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, for the 2021-2022 Awards any live programs that could not be shot in front of a live audience will still be accepted.

BREAKDOWN OF AWARDS:   A Maximum of 2 statues may be given per Category with up to two petitions

Make-up – 3 Categories May be Entered-

  • Best Contemporary Make-up – Outstanding Make-up designed to represent years after 2000 to present day with continuity of application throughout the entry.
  • Best Period and/or Character Make-up – Outstanding Period Make-up designed to represent years 1999 and prior.Character Make-up of any period including Fantasy and Futuristic makeup artistry,  that changes the identity or appearance of an actor with NO use of prosthetics and continuity of application throughout the entry.
  • Best Special Make-up Effects – Outstanding Make-up including the application of prosthetics to the performers face and or body, with continuity of application throughout the entry.  No mechanical, computer generated effects, or puppeteering will be considered.

Hair Styling – 2 Categories May be Entered

  • Best Contemporary Hair Styling – Outstanding Hair Styling designed to represent years after 2000 to present day with continuity of application throughout the entry.
  • Best Period and/or Character Hair Styling – Outstanding Period Hair Styling designed to represent years 1999 and prior.Character Hairstyling: of any period, including Fantasy and Futuristic hair styling,  that changes the identity or appearance of an actor with or without the use of wigs, with continuity of application throughout the entry.


DAYTIME TELEVISION –The Program must be aired prior to 6:00PM PST and be shown on Network Cable Television or a streaming provider (ie: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon etc.) that is available in Los Angeles prior to Midnight December 31, 2021.

BREAKDOWN OF AWARDS:   A Maximum of 2 statues may be given per Category with up to two  petitions

  • Best Make-up – All categories: Outstanding Contemporary, Period, Character and Special Make-up Effects
  • Best Hair Styling – All categories: Outstanding Contemporary, or Period/Character


CHILDREN AND TEEN TELEVISION PROGRAMMING – Children & Teen Television programming by definition will have a target audience ranging in age between 5-17 years of age.  The Series must be shown on Network Cable Television or a streaming provider (ie: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon etc.) that is available in Los Angeles prior to Midnight December 31, 2021.

BREAKDOWN OF AWARDS:   A Maximum of 2 statues may be given per Category with up to two  petitions

  • Best Make-up – All categories: Outstanding Contemporary, Period, Character and Special Make-up Effects
  • Best Hair Styling – All categories: Outstanding Contemporary, or Period/Character


COMMERICALS & MUSIC VIDEOS –To qualify, entry must be aired on Network Cable Television or streamed on a streaming provider (ie: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon or the Internet) in Los Angeles prior to Midnight December 31, 2021.

BREAKDOWN OF AWARDS:   A Maximum of 2 statues may be given per Category with up to two petitions

  • Best Make-up – All categories: Outstanding Contemporary, Period, Character and Special Make-up Effects
  • Best Hair Styling – All categories: Outstanding Contemporary, or Period/Character


THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS (LIVE STAGE)- To qualify entry must be performed within California prior to Midnight December 31, 2021. The entry may be judged on the merits of Make-up Artistry, Hair Styling, or both.   Submission does not have to be an original or new production.  Nominees must have dealt in a hands-on manner with creation/design and/or implementation of production submitted.  Creation and Design Nominees must also be involved in the hands-on during the production, or the California based "tech" period passing on to the crew, and instructing the application of makeup & wigs, hairstyles, and maintenance of the show.

Due to the pandemic and shortened theatrical season of 2021, a detailed description of the work performed (not MORE than 500 words) along with any photos, press or other media available will be accepted.  The Theatrical Supervisor will be responsible for submitting all proper verification to the Rules and Regulation Committee.

BREAKDOWN OF AWARDS:   A Maximum of 2 statues may be given per Category with up to two petitions

  • Best Make-up – All categories: Outstanding Contemporary, Period, Character and Special Make-up Effects
  • Best Hair Styling – All categories: Outstanding Contemporary, or Period/Character


Local 706 members are eligible for a special member discount on all awards campaign advertising.   For all reservations, please contact IngleDodd Media at 310-207-4410 or local706@ingledodd.com  for more information.  All artists or artist representatives may promote qualified work to voters through the following methods:


                        For your consideration’ display ads may be placed in the The Artisan

                          ‘For your consideration’ inserts may be carried in the The Artisan


‘For your consideration’ web ads may be placed thru www.Local706.org

Screening invitations and calendars may be sent via email to the membership


Screening invitations and DVD’s may be sent by direct mail to the membership


October    25, 2021     FRI                  Voting for Lifetime Achievement Recipient begins

November 5, 2021      FRI                  Voting for Lifetime Achievement Recipient Closes 5:00PM PST 

November 8, 2021      MON               Submission begins of qualified entries to Guild Awards ALL ONLINE

December 6, 2021      MON               Deadline for submission of qualified entries for Guild Awards 5:00PM PST 

November 15, 2021    MON               Announcement of Lifetime Achievement Recipient & Artisan Recipient 

December 20, 2021    MON               Voting for qualified nominations begins

January 07, 2022        FRI                  Voting for qualified nominations closes 5:00PM PST 

January 11, 2022        TUES               Nominations announced by Guild Awards Committee

January 24, 2022         FRI                 Online FINAL balloting opens- members.local706.org secure member login

February 11, 2022       FRI                  FINAL Online balloting closes 5:00 PM PST

February 19, 2022       SAT                 Awards Presentation Winners Announced


Copyright © 2025
Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild Local 706.
All rights reserved
